Wallberry Chicken Stir Fry

INGREDIENTS: 2 T. Zi Olive Blood Orange EVOO 2 chicken breasts, cut into bite sized pieces 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced 2 cups snow peas 4 T. soy sauce 2 T. tomato juice 2 T. water 2 T. Zi Olive Wallberry balsamic 1 1/2 t. cornstarch 2 large Mandrin Oranges 3 cups bean sprouts […]
Strawberry Balsamic Chicken

INGREDIENTS: 1 ½ lb thin sliced chicken breast Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar Lettuce-spinach, or mixed greens or romaine Strawberries, sliced Cucumber, Sliced Tomato, Cubed Gorgonzola cheese DIRECTIONS Grill the chicken and as it is on the grill brush on the Strawberry Balsamic Vinegar. As the chicken is grilling put together the salad. Once the chicken is […]